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Equipment Booking: Equipment Booking Guidelines

Equipment Booking Guidelines

Circulation & Borrowing Policy

Equipment booking policies can be found in our Circulation & Borrowing Policy.


Only NOSM University Students, Residents, Staff, and Faculty are eligible to borrow equipment through the library.

Reserving Equipment

Equipment may be reserved through our online booking tool or through Health Sciences Library Staff.

​Picking Up Equipment

Equipment must be picked up by the person who will be responsible for the equipment unless otherwise communicated in advance to library staff. Although the content of the equipment is checked by the Library prior to check-out, it is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that the equipment listed on the content tags matches what is actually borrowed.

Returning Equipment

Equipment must be returned to the same campus that it was picked up from. Equipment must be returned directly to staff at the Library Reference Desk. The borrower will ensure that all equipment that is listed on the equipment tag is returned and will notify Library staff of any equipment issues.  

Technical Support

Borrowers must contact NOSM University Help Desk for any technical support related to the use of the borrowed equipment.

Shipping Equipment

Shipping Equipment between campuses or elsewhere is the responsibility of the borrower.

Booking Extensions

Extension of the booking period must be done in person with the equipment in hand. Booking extensions are dependent upon the availability of the equipment. Only in extenuating circumstances will extensions be accepted by phone or email as to prevent conflicts with other existing bookings.


Borrower’s agree to assume all legal liability for the cost or repair of stolen, damaged or lost equipment and their components. The Health Sciences Library does not assume responsibility for lost files due to viruses, network interruptions, hardware failure or the Deep Freeze software installed on each laptop which restores the basic image of the laptop on each reboot (this includes deletion of borrowers files, new programs downloads and so forth). Deep Freeze has been installed on all laptops to protect their security and prevent deletion of standard programs. Documents can only be saved to the T:\ drive however the library recommends using a memory stick. Labels have been placed on laptops running Deep Freeze. Please follow the instructions outlined to ensure your files are not deleted upon reboot.

Replacement and Damage Fees

The borrower assumes full financial responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged equipment plus a processing fee. All charges will be applied to the borrower's Unit Budget Code for Staff and Faculty. In the case of Students and Residents their personal library account will be directly billed. Current Replacement Fees can be found here on the right side of this page.

Replacement Fees

The following table outlines the current replacement costs for equipment borrowed from the Health Sciences Library.

Current Status: Equipment Booking