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Public Health & Preventive Medicine: Find Articles


Search Tips

Step 1: Frame Your Question.

Step 2: Structure Your Search.

To find quantitative information about a therapy, harm, diagnosis, prognosis (for example), apply a PICO framework. This is good for questions such as “what interventions have been shown to reduce the risk of alcoholoism in adolescents,” 

  • Population
  • Intervention
  • Comparison
  • Outcome

To find qualitative information or information for a question that does not focus on an intervention use a PEO framework. This is useful for  questions such as “what are the experiences of mothers with breast cancer”.

  • Population & their problem
  • Exposure
  • Outcome or theme

Why bother with this stuff?

Going through these steps to structure your search will save you time because you will be searching in a more efficient manner.

Step 3: Gather Synonyms & Subject Headings.

Step 4: Search Relevant Databases.

Hint! There's a list of selected databases on the left side of this page.