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Indigenous Healthcare Education and Practice: Applying Digital Teaching and Learning Resources to the TRC’s Calls to Action: Home

Module 1: Historical Perspectives of Indigenous Peoples in Canada and Implications for Health Outcomes

Module 2: Bias, Racism, and Discrimination in Healthcare

Module 3: Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Healthcare

Module 4: Healthcare Rights

Module 5: Healthcare Services

Module 6: Culturally Safe Healthcare and Education

Module 7: Intersections between Education and Healthcare

Companion Guide: Artist Perspectives of Indigenous Healthcare Education/Practice

Project Artwork

Hand-drawn image of tree rooted to a turtle in water.

"Grounded in Peace" by Lindsay Brant and Colson Brumwell

Two women in traditional dress circle tree that is rooted to turtle and around a medicine wheel.

"Encircle the Tree" by Lindsay Brant and Mance Granberg

black tree on gray, aqua, and black background. At root of tree is a medicine wheel. Two healing hands grow out from medicine wheel.

"Indigenous Ways of Healing" by Jaylene Cardinal

Top: shield necklace with beaded brain, lungs, heart, and kidney on white background on tanned hide. Bottom: brooch of rainbow-coloured brain

Top image: "Mind, Body, Spirit" Bottom image: "A Colourful Mind". Both pieces by Dr. Jamaica Cass

Large syringe with roots and image of torso inside against orange and red background

"It is what it is/ Healing through Addictions" by Michael 'Cy' Cywink

Indigenous women representing the past, holding up an Indigenous man representing the present, holding up the future in a field representing what is to come

"Intergenerational Healing" by Christarr Smillie