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Professionalism in Healthcare: Using Social Media

This guide currently addresses professionalism in healthcare and using social media. Various other aspects of professionalism will be added in the coming weeks.


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Review Articles

Hennessy, C. M., Smith, C. F., Greener, S., & Ferns, G. (2019). Social media guidelines: A review for health professionals and faculty members. The Clinical Teacher, 16(5), 442-447. doi:

Hilty, D. M., Uno, J., Chan, S., Torous, J., & Boland, R. J. (2019). Role of technology in faculty development in psychiatry. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 42(3), 493-512. doi:

Liu, H. Y., Beresin, E. V., & Chisolm, M. S. (2019). Social media skills for professional development in psychiatry and medicine. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 42(3), 483-492. doi:

Luo, J. (2019). A guide for the 21st century psychiatrist to managing your online reputation, your privacy, and professional use of social media. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 42(4), 649-658. doi:

Markham, M. J., Gentile, D., & Graham, D. L. (2017). Social media for networking, professional development, and patient engagement. American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book. Annual Meeting, 37, 782-787. doi:

O'Connor, S., Zhang, M., Honey, M., Lee, J. J. (2021). Digital professionalism on social media: a narrative review of the medical, nursing, and allied health education literature. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 153, 104514.

Vukušić Rukavina, T., Viskić, J., Machala Poplašen, L., Relić, D., Marelić, M., Jokic, D., & Sedak, K. (2021). Dangers and Benefits of Social Media on E-Professionalism of Health Care Professionals: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(11), e25770.

Useful Websites


American College of Emergency Physicians. Use of social media by emergency physicians. (2019). Annals of Emergency Medicine, 73(3), e37. doi: 2018.11.004

Garg, T. (2022). Time to develop a structured social media curriculum? Academic Radiology29(6), 948.

McCabe, D. (2019). Self-analysis: How to engage with social media. A fellow's perspective. Journal of Medical Toxicology : Official Journal of the American College of Medical Toxicology, 15(4), 223-225. doi:

McCarthy, C. P., DeCamp, M., & McEvoy, J. W. (2018). Social media and physician conflict of interest. The American Journal of Medicine, 131(8), 859-860. doi: 011