Your program should have a specific audience it is directed to (e.g., family physicians; cardiologists; interprofessional teams; etc.) These resources can help you understand the potential target audiences in Northern Ontario. Websites are listed for informational purposes only and are not an endorsement of content.
Working with NOAMA, the CEPD Office collects data from all Local Education Groups about self-identified gaps in Leadership, Effective Teaching, EDIA, Career Progression, Research Skills, and CME. The aggregated report provides insight on current activities and needs across Northern Ontario.
Programs accredited by CEPD include a place for participants to request topics they are interested in. Browse this file to see what Northern Ontario healthcare practitioners are asking for.
Placeholder for CEPD topic request
Palliative Care
Substance Use Medicine
Usage of UpToDate resource via NOSM U license in 2023.
This searchable usage data illustrates which topics are being frequently accessed and may indicate trends and patterns for knowledge gaps for NOSM U users. Data is password protected, please contact your CEPD coordinator if you do not have access.
"Referral patterns can tell us about what gaps might exist for family/general practice physicians, These often form an excellent basis for identifying unperceived needs."