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Searching PubMed: MeSH

What is MeSH?

Medical subject headings (MeSH) are preferred vocabulary used to index citations in PubMed.  Subject headings standardize definitions, variants in spelling and terminology, and related terms.  When a citation is indexed in PubMed, the citation record is tagged with the subject headings most reflective of the citation content. 

Adding MeSH to a search

MeSH Records

Components of a MeSH record:

Scope: How the database defines a concept

Year introduced: The year the database began using a subject heading

Subheadings: Optional subheadings to narrow and focus the PubMed search 

Restrict to MeSH Major Topic: Limits search to citations for which the subject heading is a major focus

Do not include MeSH terms found below this term in the MeSH hierarchy: By selecting this option, any terms that are more narrow than the chosen term are not included in a search.

Entry terms: Alternate terms, spellings, and acronyms for a subject heading

Previous Indexing: Terms used for a subject heading in the past

MeSH Hierarchy: A hierarchy or tree of concepts from broadest to narrowest